Would you agree that we spend a fair bit of time staring at shelves full of food or cosmetics trying to decide what is good for us?
Our perception is that what we buy can change us for the better!
What would happen if we simply changed our perspective, believed we were already awesome, and started buying things that changed the world for the better?
Let’s try! Cruelty Free, Vegan, Recyclable, Truthful! See yourself as perfect and the world as a place to impart your perfection! It’s all Perception and Perspective!
March Special – ROCK ON Extreme Make-Up Remover – for us mascara wearing rock stars and super talented make-up artists! Melts make-up off without stripping skin or lashes!
Regular $24 – SALE $20!
Book your 2018 CremeFRESH Facial Party by March 20th and receive a bonus $25 credit (plus $100) and a $20 coupon for your next purchase! shop@cremefresh.ca
Check out my amazing collaboration with Tally Young! March 17th Skin Tonic Yoga Workshop! Limited spots, book now!
xoxo, Lori