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Choose what’s inside of the box, choose outside of the box, but don’t worry about the box.
We have all spent lots of money on jacked up high end packaging and products that do not help our skin but worsen our overall health. We put chemicals on our skin and then we buy more because the product looked good – and our skin looked good – AT FIRST! This is where the cycle of imbalance begins. The question is what is important in a cosmetic?
Cosmetics come in all shapes, sizes and colours, what they have in common is chemical content – but we as consumers can change how that works.
When the outside matches the inside, we call it INTEGRITY. We can demand that in our skincare! CremeFRESH is keeping it Clean, Fresh and Simple – INSIDE and OUT!
Simple packaging means money spent on high quality ingredients instead of a shiny container. Simple packaging means YOU get to spend your money on the priority – chemical free and natural!
What do you want from your cosmetic company – shiny labels and pretty bottles OR pure ingredients and a world changing vision?
BELIEVE IN CHANGE! Choose what’s inside of the box, choose outside of the box, but don’t worry about the box.
xoxo, Lori
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